DDE : MenuitemExecute

The menu entry where the Acrobat application was specified is executed.
Only Acrobat can be used. It is not possible to use it with Acrobat Reader.


[MenuitemExecute(char* menuItemName)]


It is not.


Menu entry that exists in ‘Acrobat Toolbar and Toolbar Button Names list‘.

Sample: VBA of Excel

The toolbar of the Acrobat application is hidden.

Sub DDE_MenuitemExecute()
Dim lChanNo     As Long ‘DDE channel number
    Dim strFilePath As String ‘The full path of PDF file
    A double quotation mark is added for blank starting full path.

    strFilePath = “””E:\Test01.pdf”””
‘The Acrobat application is Started.
    Shell “C:\Program Files\Adobe\Acrobat 9.0\Acrobat\Acrobat.exe”
    ‘Open of DDE channel
    lChanNo = DDEInitiate(“Acroview”, “Control”)
‘Open of PDF file
    DDEExecute lChanNo, “[DocOpen(“ & strFilePath & “)]”
    ‘[Open]:’The file is opened’ dialog is displayed.
    DDEExecute lChanNo, “[MenuitemExecute(Open)]”
    ‘- Until an open dialog is shut by hand power after this.The following instruction is not executed.
‘All PDF is shut, and the Acrobat application is end.
    DDEExecute lChanNo, “[AppExit()]” ‘If this is not done, the Acrobat process remains.
    ‘The DDE channel is shut.
    DDETerminate lChanNo
End Sub


  • It is not possible to use it with Acrobat Reader.
  • The error doesn’t return even if it makes a mistake in the first argument “Example: (Open)”.
  • The dialog box screen is opened according to the execution of the menu entry. The following instruction is not executed as long as the screen is not shut.

Environment to confirm the operation

  • WindowsXP + SP3 + WindowsUpdate
  • Adobe Acrobat Pro 7.1.1 + Office Pro 2003
  • Adobe Acrobat Pro 9.1.0 + Office Pro 2003